Happy Mother’s Day weekend! We hope you’re having a great time with the ones you love.
To celebrate the occasion, we did a little Q&A with our founder Zach’s mother Betsy about Zach’s upbringing and her favorite spices! Enjoy.
Do you like to cook at home?
Yes, I love to cook at home. As a child, I grew up in a family that sat down every evening to a family-style dinner, and I felt it was very important to continue that when I had children of my own. Food in our family is not just about eating it. It is about being together while preparing the meal and then enjoying the dishes while sharing stories and spending more time together. Every night at our dinner table I would ask our three children two questions: What did you learn today? What made you laugh today? The dinner table was an important part of our family life and no matter how busy we were it gave all of us a time to be together and just be together!
Who taught you how to cook?
I learned how to cook from the most wonderful and influential women in my life. My paternal Grandmother taught me at a very young age how to make chicken noodle soup from scratch and pecan rolls. My Mother taught me how to bake and make soups. My Mother in Law Gram Shirley whom Zach was very close to taught me how to make fish, roasts, chilis, meatloaf’s, stuffed green peppers and goulash.
Did Zach show an interest in cooking early on?
Zach was only six years old when he took over my bread machine! It had a timer on it so you could put all the ingredients in and set it to bake during the night and have fresh, warm bread first thing in the morning. He would put the ingredients in and set it so he could eat it in the morning for breakfast. He even figured out he could add raisins and cinnamon and other ingredients. He thought that was just the coolest! He was always helping me in the kitchen.
What was Zach like as a child?
He was an amazing child. He was just as kind and compassionate as he is now. I have always marveled at what a great heart and soul this guy has and how lucky am I that I was graced with being his Mom. Zach has always been a person that stands up for others and is generous with his time, skills and donations to others less fortunate.
Zach has always stood up for what is right but in a respectful manner. He is also one of the funniest people I know, and he can make you laugh until you cry. Zach has always been very competitive and always played sports, sometimes two at a time. He played soccer, baseball, football, basketball and snowboarding. Zach loved his grandparents, and as a kid, he always loved spending time with our huge extended family and many family friends.
What did you think when he told you about starting his own business?
I was excited for Zach when he decided to open his spice business. My husband and I are entrepreneurs too so I believe it was a natural step for Zach. He has so much potential and way too much going on to be pinned down. Owning your own business is not for everyone, you must have great self-discipline and you have to be driven since you do not have someone telling you to go to work—Zach’s got that!
What are your favorite spices from The Spice Guy?
Obviously, we love them all, but here are a few of our favorites.
- Frisco Rib Rub
- Perfect Burger
- Roasted Garlic Blend
- Blackened Red Fish Spice
- BBQ Spice
- Citrus Pucker Pepper
How do you incorporate them into things you make at home?
We use the spices in every meal. Who does not want a little more spice in their life? They are healthy! Spices are healthier for you than sauces, and these spices are fresh! I use them in my casseroles, roasts, soups, everything. We recently got an Instant Pot and I have found that I have increased the number of spices I put in when using the IP.
What has Zach’s business adventure taught you about cooking?
I used to be afraid of using too much when adding spices or spice blends but I have learned to add more, don’t be afraid of more flavor! I love experimenting with new spices and blends every month when I get my monthly order.